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December 31, 2002 | 6:59 pm
actual resolutions.

ahh new years eve. I used to live for tonight...going to the strip and getting trashed. Making fun of my friends as they made fun of me. It was great. Now i'd rather hang out with good company. Rather have a midnight kiss and watch the fireworks from a distance. To much commotion on the strip. I'm glad to be going to a house party tonight. I hope there is someone there to share the evening with.

I never make new years resolutions. I always thought they were pointless. Maybe I just never had anything to resolve, until now. I've left three diaries on here so far and i have found even just typing or writing my thughts out has really helped me think. So I now have resolutions and I know I will stick to em, i got to change these things if i want too grow up and live a normal life.

My Resolutions:

To write entries almost daily here. Once I get back to school my life is gonna be pretty boring but maybe typing about it anyways will help it seem more exciting. Besides, there are plenty of people at school i hate and can bitch about.

To stop my drinking habits. Drinking once in a while to engage in conversation is okay. Sitting at home watching tv with a sixer of corona's isn't. I don't know how i became that, but it hasn't been too long so i know i can change it easily.

To not take advantage of situations with girls. Even when they absolutely are hanging on me. It is hard for me to resist this temptation, but everytime i hook up with a girl they expect more to come of it than actually does. I need to keep my distance before it gets to that point. I refuse to be an asshole anymore. I want to really get to know some good people out there, if there are any.

I need to stop talking to dull, dumb girls. I cant find any on South Beach that aren't. But I think if I take my time and actually get balls to approach the girls I am attracted to mentally...I will be okay.

So recap: No more drinking, no more hook ups, no more time wasting on slutty girls....and keep writing.

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