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January 01, 2003 | 11:30 pm
lets start a band

I can't stop listenig to The Early November's cd. Song 4....jesus. I miss being in bands and making music. Seriously if I had money and a car in Miami I would try starting a new band. I need to get back into playing my bass. Get my rhythm's down again....hmmm....I want to sing too. I shouldn't even try and get started, I need to concentrate on school right now. Especially if I am going to be moving again in less than a year. No time for a band... New year's was good. I didn't even kiss anyone even though I could have kissed leah's sister...I couldn't remember her name though and everyone was around so i was a bit shy about it. Oh well, not kissing her helped my new years resolution stay in tact i suppose. Damn I hate when I get a new cd or listen to one i havent heard in a while, i listen to it for like 3 weeks straight till i wear it out again....I leave tomorrow to go back to Miami, sucks. I wish school was hear (vegas).....but I'd never get work done with my friends all around.

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